Fixed Limit Texas Holdem Strategy
Fixed limit games might have an uncertain future, but it's not all doom and gloom. There is a lot of fixed limit based material out there, and being as these games haven't undergone the same level of evolution that NL Holdem and PLO has, there is still an enormous amount of scope for getting ahead of the crowd if you are prepared to put the work in.

Strategy Still staying within the realm of poker’s most popular game of Texas Hold’em, Limit Hold’em (also referred to as Fixed-Limit Hold’em, or FLHE) encompasses a capped betting structure in the various rounds of gameplay (instead of allowing any player to go all-in whenever they please with however many chips are in front of them). FL (fixed limit) Texas Holdem is the cornerstone of Texas Holdem and all its types. This is where you need to start if you intend to be a good NL (no limit) or PL (pot limit) player, because this is the best place to learn the fundamentals, with the least amount of risk involved. Fixed limit games are the more basic of the two betting structures, and they always follow the same strict betting procedure. The player can only bet in specific increments, no matter what the situation is. For example, in a $2/$4 Texas Hold’em game, one can only bet and raise in the specified increments. The following list of differences between the two forms of hold’em should give you an idea of what to pay attention to if you’re switching from no-limit hold’em Starting Hands While many unsuited big card starting hands are regularly and correctly played in limit, those same hands can get a player into a heap of trouble in no-limit.
Limit Texas Hold'em Guides

Limit Hold'em: Every Bet Counts
In Limit Hold'em, it's crucial to understand the importance of a single bet, and how the bet affects you and…

Fixed Limit Texas Holdem Strategyategy Tips
5 minutes to readHow to Play Limit Texas Holdem: Set-Up and Play
Texas Hold'em is the most widely played poker variation in the world, particularly thanks to its simple setup and play.…
7 minutes to readDebunking the 2 Biggest Myths of Limit Holdem Poker
Most No-Limit players have a raging hatred of anything Limit. This hatred is typically unfounded, based on half-truths, myths and…
10 minutes to readHow to Make Money in Limit Hold'em Tournaments Poker Strategy
Limit Texas Holdem Strategy
OK; so you just registered for a tournament on your favorite online poker site. In the first hand you get…
6 minutes to readFixed Limit Holdem
Limit Texas Hold'em
Fixed Limit Texas Hold'em poker is beatable but can prove tricky because you can't just call down hands due to…
40 minutes to readHow to Play Straight Draws in Limit Texas Hold'em
Straight draws are strong draws in Limit Texas Hold'em. When you flop a straight draw it's either going to be…
4 minutes to readHow to Play Short-Handed Limit Holdem
Introduction Shorthanded poker is played with six or less players at the table, making it necessary to give more action…
4 minutes to readHow to Play Overcards on the Flop in Limit Holdem
Since Limit Texas Hold'em is a 'big card game', you will find yourself in many situations where all you hold…
3 minutes to read